No drills, no scales, at Studio Piano Play we use a playing based approach that has students of all ages playing great sounding contemporary, blues, gospel, classical and accompaniment pieces- IMMEDIATELY, from their very first lessons.
*15 years of experience*
Welcome to piano lessons where students of all ages learn to play piano by being immersed in playing music. No drills, no scales, Simply Music Method students learn to play good-sounding contemporary, classical, blues, and gospel from their very first lessons.
Simply Music focuses on the sheer pleasure of playing. The 'hands-on' approach and immediate results, actively dispel the notion that learning to play means enduring years of lessons, boring practice sessions, and relentless hours of drills. Traditional methods insist that beginners learn to read music as the means of learning to play.
This removes the natural connection between student and instrument and commonly, it removes the fun, too.
Andrea Smokvina has been teaching piano Simply Music Method to kids and adults since 2009.
Above- Dunya (13) Level 7, performing her own composition at a professional advancement event in Rijeka for the regional professors. Dunya found out about the event an hour before the performance, ready and happy to perform her repertory.
Below-Watch my former student Anne Heche demonstrate Simply Music Method - watch from 4:33
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Feedback from our *students*
"Andrea is a wonderful piano teacher. My son started learning from her at age 10, and thanks to the method Andrea teaches - called Simply Music - he was playing songs immediately. Now, 2 years later, he plays accompaniment, understands chord framing, has practice in sight reading, and has a repertoire of more than 30 songs. In my youth, I dreaded scales and lessons and so much talking - I just wanted to play music! And with Andrea and her method, my son's deep understanding of all these comes from just that - playing actual songs from day one.
I've seen Andrea teach group lessons as well as one-on-one, and in each case she tailors her teaching to the child involved. Kindness, firmness, flexibility,... Andrea has a great balance of all of these, and is always supportive and thoughtful. Most importantly, my son has FUN and is ready for more.
Highest recommendation!"
-Robb L.